What are you worth?
What are you worth
to you?
If you needed to raise £300 to save your child you would do it, wouldn't you?
If you needed to raise £3000 to save your child you would do it wouldn't you?
If you needed to raise £300,000 to save your child you would do it, wouldn't you?
If you needed to raise £3,000,000 to save your child you would do it, wouldn't you?
As a loving parent you'll do whatever it takes to ensure the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of your child. You become like Speedy Gonzales and the Tasmanian Devil rolled into one when it comes to saving your children. Nothing will stop you. Right!
Now let me ask you another question.
If you needed to raise £300 to save yourself, would you?
If you needed to raise £3000 to save yourself, would you?
If you needed to raise £300,000 to save yourself, would you?
If you needed to raise £3,000,000 to save yourself, would you?
The key to success is in your hands
At what point did you feel the resistance when it came to saving yourself? Hmmmmm!!!!???? If you are anything like me, your mindset around saving your child was unlimited. But when it came to saving yourself your Subconscious Mind started to resist. What excuses did it find? What limiting beliefs did it come up with and at what value point did it check out?
Most of us have been taught to put ourselves last. We don't believe we are valuable, worthy, good enough. So why would we invest money in ourselves? Martyrdom is not a happy Kingdom.
Yet the minute you get on an aeroplane you're told in case of emergency put the oxygen mask on yourself first. Why? Because if you collapse you can't save your children or anyone else and you become part of the problem for someone else.
All successful people have learnt to put the oxygen mask on themselves first. If you want to be a successful father, a successful businessman, a successful partner, a successful friend, YOU have to SAVE YOU first!
From a place of empowerment you can positively impact many hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of lives. When you invest in yourself, you ultimately save those you love. The Key to Success is in YOUR Hands!
Why you, why now?
When your child is suffering, struggling with mixed emotions, their behaviour can become erratic, or they withdraw, isolate and stop talking. The very best thing you can do, right now, from where you are, is to put the oxygen mask on yourself? If you allow Stress, Tiredness, Overwhelm and Pressure to pull you down, you simply become part of the problem.
Stop and empower yourself. Then you will empower your child/children to be the amazing, wonderful, creative, loving, generous souls they were born to be. All successful people are always looking to improve their knowledge, increase their understanding or themselves and are open minded to change. Be more than a role model, be a soul model.
Ready to create positive change?
If you're ready to do what it takes to create positive change I invite you to Book a Complimentary Connection Call with me by clicking the button below. Let's look at where you are, what you want and how I can help you.