Week C20 – My Master Key Experience

Pros and Cons

golden megaphoneAs momentum gathers pace and the launch of the 2015 MasterKey Experience Class draws nearer I’d like to share a few of my overall thoughts and experiences as a course member and Certified Guide.

I enrolled in the 2013 class with high expectations. That still small voice was not whispering, it was screaming down a megaphone! THIS IS OUR TIME SANDRA !!!

I knew with every fibre of my being that this course was going to change my life. I did not know how, when or what I would be doing. I just knew I had to  DO IT NOW!

My 3 Pros as a Class Member

we_can_do_it1. The self belief I gained through completing this course was beyond all expectation.

2. The courage gained from my new found self belief enabled me to walk away from a 15 year teaching position to start my own business helping others through creative arts and personal development.

3. I feel truly blessed to have amazing new friends from all over the world that I would never have had the opportunity to  meet if it were not for the MasterKey Experience, and the opportunity to go to Kauai in 2014 was out of this world.

My 3 Cons as a Class Member

uhoh1. It takes consistent dedication, persistence and determination over a 6 month period.

2. I discovered a new love of using a good old fashioned dictionary! lol

3. Sometimes you have to make tough choices. Will you allow yourself to be swept along by the opinion of others or develop your own mind and do what feels right for you?


My Pros as a Certified Guide

superherome1. It has been an absolute honour to help so many people from all over the world discover the Hero within and watch their dreams unfold. The friendships I have made have blessed me beyond words.

2. I thoroughly enjoyed the greater depth of understanding and knowledge I gained through mentoring others. The best way to learn is to teach.

3. The second time through opened such a whole new wealth of insight. It’s been  truly inspirational and expanded my mind further to the power we all have within us.

My Cons as a Certified Guide

headless chicken.jpg1. The first 6 weeks were a little bit hectic. 🙂 Organisation was crucial, but witnessing people mentally ‘jump out of the nest’ and trust their wings was a true privilege and honour.

2. None

3. None


Whether you’ve heard about it from someone whose done it, seen the # posts on Facebook and Twitter, or found links because you were searching for help on the internet……….no matter how you got here, trust you are here for a reason. There are no coincidences.

Sign up for the launch info and then decide if you are going to grab yourself one of the Pay-it-Forward Scholarship places and discover how you can create the life you want. What have you got to lose? It’s time to draw a line in the sand!

DO IT NOW!!!!!!

Click the link below to be added to the Early Bird notification list. You’ll receive the launch details early September so you can make an informed choice, and receive a FREE copy of ‘The 7 Day Mental Diet’ to help you get started. 🙂

CLICK HERE ———-> YES add me to the EARLY BIRD LIST