Tag: Help



To Stress or not to StressSome stress is helpful, too much stress is unhelpful. When do stress levels become too much?Like the fan belt in a car engine, if the tension is too much or not enough the engine won’t work efficiently and it may 

You hold the key

You hold the key

Emotional Prison Using the right tools for the job always produces better results doesn’t it!  When it comes to home DIY we know not to paint the walls with a saw or sand the woodwork with a hammer. The result would be disastrous and cost you 

Ready to Rock?

Ready to Rock?

You can’t see what you’re not looking for!Most people only see what’s right in front of them. They see the overdraft, the overgrown garden, the failing relationship or the illness. They think if these things could be fixed they’d feel better, and whilst on one 

Blame can drive you insane

Blame drives you Insane We all experience times when we feel hard done to, wronged or even down right mistreated. You think about the people or circumstances that you believe caused your pain, and suddenly, thought after thought, images begin floating through your mind…………. Questions! Oh 

Obsession or Opportunity?

ready to change? If there is one thing in life I simply do not understand it is the obsession with posting Selfies! A few months ago (before COVID – remember those days!?) I was travelling on the train to London and witnessed two young people, probably 

It’s all about Perspective

It’s all about Perspective Life from a Victim perspective:All around you see mud. You feel stuck, shoulders hunched, head down, it’s hard to move. You see nothing but a dirty, sludgy mess. Continuing to focus on the mud, you start to feel disheartened, discouraged and 

Death by Duvet

ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS SLEEP! Many men spend their time doing everything possible to avoid accepting what is really going on for them physically, mentally and emotionally. We’ve been conditioned to believe admitting we’re lost and struggling is a sign of failure. ‘Keep