C8 Believe it or not!?

Things are different!!! I can hardly believe it is Thursday already and time to write this weeks blog! It feels like I only just posted last weeks insights. 🙂  Well today has been a really great day! I went along to a new networking group 

Week C7 No time to think!

Go with the flow! You can fly! Momentum is happening and its time to go with the flow! I mentioned last week that I’ve been working with a friend on a joint business launch scheduled for the beginning of June. We have been helping each other 

Week C6 Persistence

Life is a series of choices Last week I mentioned my challenges with vocal recording and I am happy to say that persistence eventually paid off. After what felt like hours and hours of battling and a few emotional expletives (thanks Carolynn LOL), I suddenly discovered 

Week C5 Practice makes Perfect

Arrggghhh!!!!   Have you ever tried to do something you thought would be simple and only take 5 minutes, only to discover that it is taking hours and hours? I have been sitting here attempting to record my own vocal commentary over a video. Almost three hours 

Week C4 Are you in the mood?

Who knew!! What kind of mood you are in? Are you feeling super excited and happy, or ok I can’t complain really or are you feeling more like life sucks and a bit miserable? What causes us to feel in different moods and why do we feel emotions anyway? Have you 

Week C3 Who’s steering your ship?

Nurture your Self Like many people, I love expanding my understanding of things that interest me. Over the last couple of years I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning from the greats like Charles Haanel and Napoleon Hill through Mark J’s Think and Grow Rich and 

Week C 1 & 2 Life is growth

Growth is Change This week I have combined my blog post for Continuation Weeks 1 and 2 because I took a mini break last week and went to London to both visit my two older children and celebrate my youngest daughter officially becoming an adult 

Week 24 Dazzling Reality

All they ever willed or dreamed was but a faint concept of the dazzling reality. Little did I know 6 months ago how many wonderful new friends I was going to make from all over the world. England, Holland, Cyprus, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Germany 

Week 23 Think Deep. Think Depp!

Creative Consciousness Haanel tells us in Chapter 23, paragraph 9, ‘The average person is entirely innocent of any deep thinking; he accepts the ideas of others, and repeats them, in very much the same way as a parrot; this is readily seen when we understand 

Week 22a Where Greatness begins

In the Imagination I am starting to see the shoots from metaphorical seeds that were planted weeks and months ago beginning to sprout. If you follow my blog regularly you may know, during last years MKMMA I made a big decision to leave a successful teaching position in