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MK Week 14 – Finish Strong

  Where will you be 12 months? It’s New Years Eve! A time when many people reflect on their last year and make plans for the new one. But how many really stick to their plan, are disciplined enough to do what it takes to ensure 

MK Week 13 – A Dreamer’s Soul

Lives Forever ‘It will be found that the creative power of thought will explain every possible condition or experience, whether physical, mental or spiritual.’ (Haanel 13:15) At the half way point through the MasterKey Experience, hopefully it is becoming apparent that our ability to think 

MK Week 12 – Fertilize your Desire

With Love x Blaming others is easier, it can make us feel better, at least temporarily, and it absolves us of any responsibility. The idea that our thoughts are attracting to us things of similar vibration and that we are totally and completely responsible is hard to 

MK Week 11 – I love you

Inductive Reason This week Haanel introduces the idea that through the conscious process of inductive reasoning human beings are able to compare a set of facts and deduce the common factor. This mental ability has enabled man to make use of the various Laws of nature and gain 

MK Week 10 – Recognition

Turn, Turn, Turn This week Haanel talks of the difference between those who do and those who do not understand the Law of Cause and Effect. We can allow our emotions to be the spring board for thought and action, seek to justify ourselves and make 

MK Week 9 – GMTs??!!

No Chance! You don’t own me! ‘……If you I wish to change conditions you I must change yourself myself. Your My whims, your my wishes, your my fancies, your my ambitions may be thwarted at every step, but your my inmost thoughts will find expression just as certainly as the plant springs from the 

Week 8 – A Mighty Instrument!

It is Done!! As I mentioned last week, Chapters 7 and 8 of The MasterKey by Charles Haanel were the beginning of what has been a wonderful adventure for me over the past couple of years. As a child I lived in my imagination; I would 

MK Week 7 – Boy oh Boy!

Things are hotting up! It was actually during Weeks 7 and 8 in 2013 that the seeds of my Gifted Life Creative Personal Development Course were first sown. So visiting Chapter 7 again this week has been great. Haanel tells us that the power to control 

Week 6 – Focus!

Scatter Brain! Clutter Brain! This last few weeks have been quite hectic, keeping on top of helping my group of MasterKey members for this years class, mentoring via Skype calls with new friends and old all over the world, helping out my team of network 

Week 5 – Name it, Claim it!

It’s yours for the taking. I mentioned briefly last week how I am changing every ‘we’ to ‘I’ and ‘your’ to ‘my’ as I read   through each verse of the MasterKey this time around. WOW!!! It is like pouring oil on the flame of my Conscious