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Week 6 Wax On Wax Off

…….Come back tomorrow I think most people who know me would probably say I was a calm patient woman, and that it takes a lot to ruffle my feathers. But this has been the most challenging week for me so far. I am doing the 

Week 5 Good in Man……

or maybe even  ‘O God in Man’ “Good habits are the key to all success.” (Og Mandino) This week we were asked to project ourselves mentally into the future and write a Press Release. We were to imagine being interviewed in a few years time and 

Week 4 What have you done today…..

to make you feel proud? Part of this weeks Master Keys course is to give a gift to every person we encounter without expectation of reciprocity, this could be anything from a simple smile, prayer, service or a material gift. Well….“what is the point in 

Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes Creation: The Crafts,Art & Gift Exhibition I had my first 3 day craft exhibition in Milton Keynes last weekend which was very enjoyable. A huge thank you to my daughter, Liz Rowland who is an Illustrator based in London, and my mother for their invaluable 

Week 3 “The man who knows that he has a Solar Plexus will not fear criticism or anything else”…

He will be too busy radiating courage, confidence and power Like many people I had heard of the Solar Plexus but I have never really stopped to consider exactly what it is, or what it does. According to my dictionary it is actually a “network 

Week 2 Well I never……

OCTOBER 9, 2013 “You affect your subconscious mind by verbal repetition.” (W. Clement Stone) I have been learning so much about the Conscious and Subconscious mind this week. For instance…. so often we talk about having a Subconscious mind…. so I always thought this was 

Week 1 Listen to your Heart

The World Without is a reflection of the World Within What does that mean?  Have you ever really stopped to think what your life is all about? “Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the Soul of the World, and it