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Week 22a I can be

 What I will to be This week is another interim week on the MKMMA, meaning we have no webinar and the choice to re-read which ever chapters from the Master Keys we choose in order to ensure we become self directed students. I decided to 

Week 22 Who am I? Part 2

I am what I am …continued Friday 7/3/14 I turned off all methods of communication on Thursday evening ready for my two and a half days of Silence. I explained to my daughter what I was doing and I want to publicly thank her for 

Week 22 Who am I? Part 1

I am what I am This week we have been urged to spend some time in complete Silence. No computer, mobile phone, television, ipad or any other distraction for a least one whole day, and longer if possible. The object is to embrace the Silence, 

Week 21 When you do what……?

What you’ve always done…… How many times have you heard someone say……….. “When you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.” (Henry Ford) Have you ever considered the scientific truth behind this phrase? I hadn’t until recently …….. Haanel tells us 

Week 20 By George!!!!

I think she’s got it   Wow, what a week it’s been! The Hero’s Journey = The Call to Action, A Decision, Determination, Persistence, Focus, Helpers and Mentors, Transformation and Return. No one makes it without a Mastermind Group! That’s what we’ve been told over and over throughout 

Week 19 Who me? I’m not scared.

Mind over Matter After several weeks of feeling I was making good progress with ideas regarding my future I suddenly felt stuck this week. Have you ever had the experience of blindly following your Satnav only to find yourself 10 miles from where you were 

Week 18 Have a nice day?

Wahoooo!!! or Poooooh!!! Have you ever wondered about the way life twists and turns, and how sometimes you feel on top of the world and at other times you just feel like crawling back into bed and staying there for a month?…..I know I used 

Week 17a Is it a bird, is it a plane?

No……. it’s Super Sandra 🙂 I’m sure this woman is losing the plot!!!!!  Firstly for those following intently you will notice that last weeks post was Week 17, but this week it is 17a!!!!! So where is Week 18???? This week has been a sort 

Week 17 What do you think?

Who are “YOU“? “All of us are dynamos, but the dynamo of itself is nothing; the mind must work the dynamo; then it is useful and its energy can be definitely concentrated. The mind is an engine whose power is undreamed; thought is an omni-working 

Week 16 Accident or Intent?

 ‘Be’ the change you wish to see This week a collective exercise was set for the merry band of MKMMAers to record any acts of kindness we saw each day, carry out two acts of kindness without being caught, and share with each other the