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C9 What kind of Magnet are you?

TRUST vs FEAR     I thought I would expand a little on the theme of last weeks post as despite my best intentions I’ve found myself feeling a little afraid this week. Why do we fear? Is it just a lack of trust? F – False (not 

C8 Are you afraid of the big bad wolf?

Who is the big bad wolf anyway? We probably all know the story of the Three Little Pigs who were afraid of the big bad wolf. Each set out to build a home of their own. But when the wolf blew down the houses of the first two 

C6&7 What now? Let’s play

The importance and purpose of Play (I missed last weeks blog post as I was away at the fabulous Go90Grow Live Event in Kauai! OMG) Over the course of the last twelve months I have been doing a lot a reading around the subject of 

C5 Do you like yourself?

Would you be your friend? Earlier this week I was feeling disturbed over something and after much heart ache and mental questioning, I decided to sleep on it and let the answer come to me unhindered. The next morning as well as seeing a very significant 

C4 The Dance of your Heart

Behind the Mask The Master Key System  is a book written by Charles Haanel  published in 1912. There is lots of information available regarding both the book and the author (see links) so it isn’t necessary to spend time discussing either here. What has been on my mind from my 

C3 Interesting thought!!!

What grabs your attention? Thing 1 or Thing 2 I mentioned last week that we’ve been re-reading each chapter of Haanel’s Master Key. Today I reached Chapter 18 which tells us that “Thought is the invisible link by which the individual comes into communication with 

C2 It all makes sense now!

But how did I get here? Have you ever experienced driving to a familiar destination and on arriving not remembering how you got there? You know you must have driven past this point or that point because you could not have arrived at your destination 

C1 What now?

MKMMA Continuation ….. Last Sunday was the final webinar for the six month MKMMA (Master Key Mastermind Alliance). It was both emotional and up lifting. So many course members have made tremendous progress and are seeing their lives change dramatically for the better, myself included. 

Week 24 The Beginning or the End?

IT’S UP TO ME Are we at the End of the Master Key Course, or are we at the Beginning of a New Chapter? What have the last 6 months been all about and what happens now? ….. Good questions!!! What is it that makes 

Week 23 Eye of the Tiger!

Roooaaaarrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!  Well my intrepid adventurers our MKMMA journey is almost over. Only a couple more weeks to go before we sail away and continue our lives with our newfound knowledge, strength and self belief. I was considering what I wanted to convey to you in