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C18 Wait a froggin’ moment!!!!!

When was the last time you took a bath? So many thoughts, so little time. As I contemplated this weeks blog topic I started thinking about life and frogs…….as you do!!!   🙂 How many times have you filled your bath with water, poured some drops of soothing bath 

C17 Are you SELF ish?

Am I a Shell Fish? Do I Sell Fish?       What??? This week has been one of progress and rest, and during the rest times the thoughts that have presented themselves have been focused on what it means to be ‘selfish’ Did you know…. 

C16 What’s for lunch?

But I only ordered a sandwich!!!!! I have been pondering what to write about in this weeks blog post, and as I have been listening to various things, reading and allowing my mind to formulate ideas this is what came. Enjoy! Imagine you are out walking in the 

C15 You can’t stop it

Stop what? Have you ever felt like the breaks have come off? That the ride has started and it’s too late to get off? You’re strapped in and there’s no going back!……..Welcome to my week!!!! For those who have been following my story you will know 

C14 The Attractor Factor

Do you believe your thoughts are powerful? If you are anything like me, (or at least anything like I used to be), you have probably heard people say stuff like, ‘cheer up’, ‘stay positive’, ‘pull yourself together’ etc etc…Yeah, yeah, great! But when you feel 

C13 When you Believe

Who knows what you can achieve? When I started out on the Master Key Experience last September I knew in my heart that it was going to have a profound effect. I did not know what to expect from the course, or what I would 

C12 Be Still, Listen…

And Trust your Heart With the end of term last week time slipped away and I didn’t finish my weekly blog post on time. Was this procrastination? Was it lack of time management? Have I slipped off the yellow brick road? Should I reprimand myself 

C11 Life’s a Game!

What do I mean….? I am feeling really excited to write my blog post today because so many insightful thoughts have come to me these last few days. I have spent several hours over the last ten days listening to some fabulous interviews with really inspirational 

C10 Never fear

Heather’s here This week has been somewhat up and down. As I approach the end of an era in relation to my school teaching and continue in the direction of my heart, life is becoming increasingly uncertain. I have kept up my reading of Og 

She believed she could

And she did Check out my new Gifted Life introductory video.