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Week 2 The Dream

Believe We have been reading Scroll 1 from Og Mandino’s ‘The Greatest salesman in the World’ for the last two weeks and will continue to do so until the end of the month. The iconic line ‘Today I begin a new life’ was for me 

Week 1 Listen!

To the voice within Twelve months ago I had that nudging, prompting feeling in my gut to join the Masterkey Course. Thankfully I listened and my life has begun to change in ways I never thought possible a year ago. (For anyone who may have 

C26 The end of one Chapter

and the Beginning of a New Over the last twelve months I have been on my own personal journey. I could have stayed where I was and felt comfortable, safe and dare I say it a little bit bored, or I could make a different 

C25 Every journey starts….

With One Step This week has been a series of steps for me, as well as for hundreds of people who have opted in for information regarding the 2014 MasterKey Experience. Click here if you want to check if the Masterkey Mastermind Alliance is right for you…… 

C24 GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!!

WAKE UP!!!!! BEFORE IT’S GONE THIS IS IT Click any of the Master Keys Banners below and check out Launch Video 1 Self help guru’s have got nothing on the Master Key Experience. This is SELF DISCOVERY at it’s BEST. World class trainers Experienced Certified 

C23 Hold on, Here we Goooo!!!

  It’s time…….  to step up, buckle in and hold on tight. The Great Master Key Adventure is about to begin! If you haven’t signed up for the launch information yet then DO IT NOW!!! The 2014 launch starts in a few hours. A once 

C22 Are you ready to…?

Find the key to your Life If you have been following my blog at all for the last twelve months you probably know that the Master Key Experience has made a huge impact on my self belief, and consequently lead to me making the decision to 

C21 When a Hero Comes Along

Cast your fears aside… This week saw the final webinar for those who followed the Continuation MasterKeys class 2013, and as everyone is now gearing up for the beginning of the next class, I am honoured to have been accepted as one of the Certified 

C20 Feeling Good? OH YEA!!!

I Can Feel it coming in…. 38 days   Are you ready? Are you steady? Coming ready or not.  The MasterKey Experience 2014 starts very soon. The end of September to be more exact. There are really two types of people in the world…those that 

C19 Satisfied with 10%???

or Do YOU Think YOU could do better? When you were a kid and wanted to know what was happening, how often did your parents say things like ‘Wait and See?” I guess it’s a fairly safe response to children’s incessant questions when you don’t really know the