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Week 12 Twas the night before Xmas

and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even………!?? huh? Have you ever sat so still that all you could hear was the sound of your breath and the beat of your heart? Haanel tells us, ‘It is in the Silence that you get in 

Week 11 Cause – Effect

Cause – Effect – Cause – Effect – Cause – Effect Charles Haanel tells us in the introduction to Chapter 11 of the Masterkey System that ‘every effect is the result of a cause, the effect in turn becomes a cause, which creates other effects, which in 

Week 10 How does ur garden grow?

 What are you growing in the garden ‘of your mind’? ‘Abundance is a natural law of the Universe. The evidence of this law is conclusive; we see it on every hand. Everywhere Nature is lavish, wasteful, extravagant. Nowhere is economy observed in any created thing. 

Week 9 Blooming Marvelous

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet This week is all about flowers and seeing little seeds blossom and grow. The exercise from Haanel’s Masterkey is to visualise your favourite flower and see it in your mind from seed through to full bloom. I 

Week 8 Just imagine…

Imagine if……… ‘If what?’ I hear you thinking! It’s up to you!………….This weeks reading on our MKMMA journey is Chapter 8 from the Masterkey System by Charles Haanel, which is all about the importance of imagination. Reading this chapter last year planted one of the seeds in my mind 

Week 7 Will and Choice

Will and Choice – sounds like a sitcom!! Have you ever stopped to think about the choices you make every day, and why you make them? Do you ever feel you just can’t help yourself? How strong willed are you? Haanel says, ‘The personal, or 

Week 6 – What do you…

Think about? So often we can take life for granted. We spend too much time complaining about this and that, rushing around in such a hurry. Never stopping to notice the beauty around us and within us. Have you ever stopped? I mean really ‘stopped’ to 

Week 5 Awareness is…

…the beginning of change Have you ever made a decision, feeling at the time that it was definitely the right thing to do, only to find yourself anxious shortly after and questioning your decision? This is something that has happened to me during the past couple 

Week 4 Who are you?

I am that I am We all say things like “I am so stupid” “I am so forgetful” “I am not good at that”, in fact it would make an interesting exercise just to spend a day or two being observant of ourselves and how 

Week 3 Unlimited

Yes you are! This week we have been reading about the Conscious and Subconscious minds and how they are connected through the vagus nerve. Being rather on the squeamish side I never studied the body and avoided biology at school as soon as possible! Eeewww!