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You are beautiful

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you check for wrinkles, blemishes or spots? Do you check for grey hairs or criticise the way your body looks? “My legs are too short, my bum looks too big, my nose look funny……etc” So many of 

Week 17a Curiouser and Curiouser

Smile to yourself and just know About 10 days or so ago after a conversation with my wonderful sister, I expressed that it was like trying to find needles in a haystack with regarding who my target market were. There are so many people I feel would 

Need a Break?

 Or even a Creativity Pitstop! Type any number of relevant words into Google or other search engine and you’ll find article after article on all the stress faced by everyone in society today. Regardless of the causes, focusing on the problem does not help. What we 

Week 17 Concentration

Everything was ticking along nicely, and then…… Helping adults reconnect with their creative inner child and reignite their creative imagination was my original idea 18 months or so ago now. After many months of planning I ran a trial course which went really well. Everyone felt motivated and inspired and their constructive feedback 

Week 16 An ideal mind

Is there such a thing as an ideal mind? Let me begin by asking you another question. Are you wealthy? hmmmm……. Did you think of how much money you have in the bank, or how many material possessions you have accumulated! Maybe you are not materialistically 

Consequences of reduced Creativity time!

I have been thinking a lot about the education system and the emphasis these days on academia. Reduced budgets and resources have seen the opportunity for creative arts declining, hindering young people from developing their creative imagination. Additional homework for pupils, paperwork for teachers, lack of resources 

Week 15 All for our benefit

Natural Laws and Conscious Cooperation “The laws under which we live are designed solely for our advantage. These laws are immutable and we cannot escape from their operation.’ (Haanel 15:1) Haanel is not referring to the laws of the land, as in  ‘thou shall not steal’ but 

Creativity Courses with a capital D!

D for Difference! What makes Gifted Life courses DIFFERENT from any other creativity course?  Immersing the whole brain in creativity over several weeks will help you really tap into your imagination and experience the feel good factor of personal achievement, meet that inner need for human 

Week 14 Holy Moly!

Do you realize what this means? The more I have studied and understood about the scientific and spiritual aspects of the creative power of thought I have felt my life making more and more sense. Haanel tells us everything in the Universe is made up of 

Week 13 I know

I know, I know, I know Have you ever tried to explain something to someone, child or adult, and their response was, ‘I know, I know’? It was clear from their actions that they were struggling, but it was equally clear from their words and