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Week 24 Dazzling Reality

All they ever willed or dreamed was but a faint concept of the dazzling reality. Little did I know 6 months ago how many wonderful new friends I was going to make from all over the world. England, Holland, Cyprus, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Germany 

Week 23 Think Deep. Think Depp!

Creative Consciousness Haanel tells us in Chapter 23, paragraph 9, ‘The average person is entirely innocent of any deep thinking; he accepts the ideas of others, and repeats them, in very much the same way as a parrot; this is readily seen when we understand 

Week 22a Where Greatness begins

In the Imagination I am starting to see the shoots from metaphorical seeds that were planted weeks and months ago beginning to sprout. If you follow my blog regularly you may know, during last years MKMMA I made a big decision to leave a successful teaching position in 

Week 22 Into the Silence

 Good Vibrations It only seems five minutes since I was here last year, preparing to switch off all communication, technology and distractions and spend an extended period of time in quiet contemplation. Haanel tell us ‘Every cell in your body is intelligent and will respond to your 

Week 21 Surfing the Crest

  When the going gets tough, do you keep going? As has been the pattern of my life for the last 9 – 12 months one day or week I feel on the crest of a wave, the next I can feel slam dunked into 

Where is it?

I can’t see it! Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if something is really there if you can’t see it with your own eyes? If you can’t see it with your eyes how can you be sure it’s there? Everything around you was created by 

Week 20 Start of Something

You know when you know Have you experienced that feeling in the pit of your stomach that say’s ‘Go for it’? For several weeks now I have felt like something was not quite right but I couldn’t figure out what. I have been reassuring myself 

Live, Laugh, Love

What makes your heart sing? In the last few days several people have expressed either to me or a friend how they are so busy doing things for other people, albeit family or friends, that they don’t have the time to do anything for themselves. It is 

Week 19 Hide and Seek

or Seek and Hide? Who has the most fun? Have you ever stopped to think how everything has two opposite sides? If there is an outside, there must be an inside. For example, lets take a simple everyday object like a plastic pen. We can see 

Week 18 Attitude is Everything!

It’s all about choices Last Saturday I had the wonderful opportunity to help out a friend Jules Mitchell on her stand at a Health, Wealth and Happiness Exhibition. Mere coincidence?! I think not! I had the privilege to meet Derek Mills who was one of the keynote