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Week C20 – My Master Key Experience

Pros and Cons As momentum gathers pace and the launch of the 2015 MasterKey Experience Class draws nearer I’d like to share a few of my overall thoughts and experiences as a course member and Certified Guide. I enrolled in the 2013 class with high expectations. That 

Week C19 – Believe

It’s child’s Play During the MasterKey Experience members are asked to write out a Definite Major Purpose (DMP) of their goals and desires. It has to be written in a specific way and you have your own personal mentor and Guide to help you do 

Week C18 – Mental Sunshine

Attitude of Gratitude A couple of days ago I started reading a free public domain book entitled ‘The Great Within’ by Christian D. Larson, which discusses the Conscious and Subconscious Minds. Two of the words Larson uses is ‘Mental Sunshine’ which I thought was such a lovely 

Creative time with your teen!

Sharing Creative Time Hands-on creative arts is a fantastic way to help open the doors of communication and feel connected with your teenager. Turn off your social media, TV and mobile phone for a while and spend a few hours being creative. It relaxes your mind and body, 

Week C17 – Why?

Self Discovery….. This week I decided to write my blog on the difference between learning and discovery. If you follow social media trends on Facebook/Twitter etc, you may have noticed a growing number of people tweeting with the hash tag #MasterKeyExperience or #Thereisnothinglikeit. Why? What is 

Week C16 – Faith vs Fear

Love is all you need! After the last two weeks of mounting frustrations (see Week C14 and Week C15) and becoming aware of a slip in my positive thinking, this week I stepped up my game, dug a little deeper and turned the corner on my 

Week C15 – Money Money Money

Must be funny!….. Not!!! 🙁 Following on from last week’s observations where I explained how I became more conscious of the need to slow down and pay attention, this week seems to have been one of frustration and confusion over money related issues. How did so 

Week C14 – Slow down

Pay Attention!!! With all the best will in the world, sometimes even ‘post’ the MasterKey Experience 🙂 it’s good to be reminded of what’s important on a daily basis. What do I mean? Well, the beginning of the week wasn’t so great………. I arrived home 

Week C13 – 4 Little Wishes!

What do U want? “The architect visualizes his building, he sees it as he wishes it to be. His thought becomes a plastic mold from which the building will eventually emerge, a high one or a low one, a beautiful one or a plain one, his 

Week C12 – I’m waiting!!?

Waiting for buds to bloom! “……… there can be no failure in the accomplishment of any proper object in life if you but understand your power and persist in your object, because the mind-forces are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will, in the effort to crystallize thought and desire into actions, events and