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MK Week 4 – Prince or Pauper

It makes no difference! It is simply mind blowing how much deeper the insights and lessons you learn each time you go through the MasterKey Experience. Several things have jumped out of Chapter 4 for me. The fact that all the Universal Laws work with 

MK Week 3 – This little light

Are you letting yours shine? When it is cold, dull, windy and rainy out do you find you tend to feel happier or gloomier? How about when it is hot, blue skies, a gentle warm breeze and sunny? It’s not difficult to feel the difference between these two scenes 

MK Week 2 – ooh ooh

Just wanted to share this It is just amazing how much more you get from reading the MasterKey each time you go through it. A picture came to my mind today as I sat contemplating this last week and thinking about Haanel’s words in Chapter 

MK Week 1 – The Journey begins

Chapter 1 As we reach the end of Week 1 of 26 for the 2015-16 MasterKey course I am humbled by the commitment and honesty of the amazing group of men and women I have been entrusted to help and mentor over the next 6 months. 

Week C26 – 2 Years Ago!

Write a weekly blog????? Wow, this is my final Continuation blog post from the 2014 -15 MasterKey Experience Class!  Two years of posting a weekly blog about my journey with the MasterKey Experience! Wahoo! When I started The MasterKey in 2013 I was what you 

Week C25 – Network or not work?

That is the question! I feel the last few weeks have been really busy one way or another. I’ve had quite a few meetings with people either at networking groups or in person face to face. Also several Skype meetings with wonderful friends all over the 

Week C24 – Is your Heart calling?

Listen carefully We are all born with a sense of wonder, excitement and enthusiasm for life that all too often gets gradually buried as we are told to behave in certain ways and conform to other people’s opinions and rules, until eventually we find ourselves living lives 

Week C23 – The final countdown!

It’s nearly time! Your life is calling! Will you opt in or out? Join the Early Bird notification list by clicking here —> Yes I want to join Holy Moly what an amazing couple of weeks! The people I have connected with over the last 2 or 

Week C22 – 5 Reasons Why

5 Reasons to Find Out About the MKE Many of you have asked me to keep you informed on the next MasterKey Experience Class so here are some great reasons to stay informed. You were born to succeed not to fail. Discover how to greet each day with 

Week C21 – Out of the Blue

Follow your heart and all will be revealed…… Click Here ——>  I want to know more Things are certainly hotting up with the start of the MasterKey Experience 2015 Session only five weeks away. I have been thinking this week about how much I have