C9 Back to the future

The answers were there all along!

This week has been another whirlwind as the momentum of the last couple of years carries me forward into the future. Almost two years of planning, researching, learning, experimenting and regular online masterminding with the fabulous Konstantina Bourmou in Athens, resulted in the birth of my Creative Personal Development Course. What I was missing up until a month ago was the right target.

Magic-eyes-camel16383697-784-586My initial target market ideas were quite reserved, and were not quite gelling together. So I adjusted to focus on a different group of people, but again this wasn’t quite right. I knew in my heart that I was following my bliss but something was missing. About a month ago I had a conversation with the lovely Phyl Edmonds, who both attended my trial course and is a Grief Recovery Specialist, and suddenly the target became obvious.  As I read through the Grief Recovery Method® it opened my eyes and suddenly I realised how my early experience of tragedy had shaped my whole life. Unexpressed emotional grief had played a part in every life decision I had made and I was able to piece the jigsaw together. I had been looking at my target all along, but just couldn’t see it. Like looking at one of those 3D magic eye pictures. You look and look and look, and then suddenly the whole amazing image pops out at you and you wonder why you couldn’t see it before.

nevergive upSince then our idea to hold a ‘little’ talk and invite a few friends and local business people has escalated into a full blown dual business launch. In less than a month we have had joint flyers printed, posters put up around the area, a Press Release in our local paper and three online news magazines, with another in the pipeline, and a radio interview. It’s been quite incredible. The launch is on Tuesday evening and we have been putting together some great ideas to create an enjoyable and impactful event.

I think I used this quote from Charles Haanel’s Masterkey System a couple of weeks ago but it is so relevant to this last week that I want to use it again. “Thoughts of courage, power and inspiration will eventually take root and as this takes place, you will see life in a new light. Life will have a new meaning for you. You will be reconstructed and filled with joy, confidence, hope and energy! You will see opportunities to which you were heretofore blind. You will recognise possibilities that before had no meaning for you. The thoughts with which you have been impregnated are radiated to those around you and they in turn help you onward and upward. You attract to yourself new associates and this in turn changes your environment. By the simple exercise of thought, you change not only yourself, but your environment, circumstances and conditions.” (Haanel 27:25)

dorothyThe new course I started last weekend is going perfectly and the ladies who are attending are over the moon. They expressed how much they are enjoying it and this in turn really gave me confidence in myself, belief in my own power and confirmation that leaving my teaching position last year to follow my heart was absolutely the right decision.

“The conditions with which you meet in the world without are inevitably the result of the conditions obtaining in the world within, therefore it follows with scientific accuracy that by holding the perfect ideal in mind you can bring about ideal conditions in your environment.” (Haanel 24:23)

My turning point was the Masterkey Course (MKMMA). Register for early bird notification below and find out how you can join the 2015 class of amazing Hero’s and Heroine’s.

MasterKey Experience coming soon……

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